Soovitatav kirjandus
Allpool leiate valiku avaldatud kirjandust, mis käsitleb supervisiooni ja selle meetodeid nii organisatsioonide, meeskondade kui ka üksikisikutega töötamisel.
- Campbell J.M. (2000). Becoming an Effective Supervisor: A workbook for Counselors and Psychotherapists.Philadelphia: Accelerated Development.
- McKnight, W., Chapman, E., N., (2003). The New Supervisor. Stepping Up of Confidence. Crisp Publications. Inc.
- O´Neil, E. (2004). Professional Supervision: Myths, Culture and Structure. RMA Publication.
- Carelli, A., B. (2004). The Thrust About Supervision: Coaching, Teamwork, Interviewing, Appraisals, 360 PO S Assessments, and Recognition. Charles C Thomas Publishing Ltd.
- Bounds, G., Woods, J. (1997). Supervision. South -Western Publication.
- Sthepen, P.,R., Decenzo, A. (2006). Supervision Today! 5 Rev.ed. Prentice Hill.
- Howard, L., A. (1988) Handbook of Family Therapy Training and Supervision The Guilford Press.
- Glanz, J., Behar-Horenstein, L. (2000). Paradigm Debates in Curriculum and Supervision: Modern and Postmodern Perspectives. Bergin & Carvey.
- Glanz, J., Sullivan, S. (2005). Supervision That Improves Teaching: Strategies and Techniques. Corvin Press.
- Todd, T. (2002). The Complete Systemic Supervisor: Context, Philosophy, and Pragmatics. Allyn and Bacon.
- Stoltenberg, C., D., Delworth, U. (1987). Supervising Counselors and Therapists, A Developmental Approach. Jossey-Bass.
- Keys, B., Henshall, J. (2004). Supervision: Concepts, Skills and Assessment. 3 Rev ed.
- Conlow, R., (2001). Excellence in Supervision. Crisp Publications.
- Austin, M., Hopkins, K. (2004). Supervision As Collaboration in the Human Services: Building a Learning Culture. Sage Publications.
- Ellis, A. Thougths on Supervising Counselors and Therapist.
- Stoltenberg, C., D., Delworth, U. Supervising Counselors and Therapists: A Developmental Approach (Jossey-Bass Social and Behavioral Science Series)
- Morrissette, P., J. (2001). Self-Supervision: A Primer for Counselors and Helping Professionals. Tailor & Francis.
- Goker, S. D. (2004). Reflective management and supervision in EFL schools. Nicosia: Mavi Publications LTD
- Copeland, S. (2005). Counceling Supervision in Organizations. Taylor &Francis Books Ltd. Proctor, B. Group Supervision. A Guide to Creative Practice.
- Czander, W., M. The Psychodynamics of Work and Organizations: Theory and Application
- Carson, C., Fritz, A., Lewis, E. (2004). Growth and Development of Work and Organization. Harworth Press Inc., U.S.
- Levi, D. (2001). Group Dynamics for Teams. Sage Publications Ltd. Chemers, M., M., Oskamp, S., Constanzo, M., (1995). Diversity in Organizations. Sage Publications Inc.
- Haslam, S., A., Hasiam, S., A. Psychology in Organizations: The Social-Identity Approach.
- Czander, W., M. The Psychodynamics of Work and Organizations: Theory and Application.
- Challager, R., E. (1994). Stages of group psychotherapy supervision: a model for supervising beginning trainees of dynamic group therapy. Int J Group Psychother. Apr; 44 (2):169-83
- Rosenthal, L. (1999). Group supervision of groups: a modern analytic perspective. Int J Group Psychother. Apr; 49(2): 197-213.
- Campbell, D., Coldicutt, T., Kinsella, K. (1994). Systemic Work With Organizations: A New Model for Managers and Change Agents. H. Karnac (Books) Ltd.
- Driver, C., Martin, E. (2005). Supervision and analytical Attitude. Whurr Publisher
- Lane, R., (1990). Psychoanalytic Approaches to Supervision. The Society for Psychonanalytic Training.
- Ladany, N., Friedlander, M., L., Nelson, M., L. (2005). Critical Events in Psychotherapy Supervision: An Interpersonal Approach. American Psychological Association.
- Umiker, O., W. (2005). Management Skills For New Health Care Supervisors. Jones and Barttless Publichers, Inc.’
- Pope- Davis, D., B., Toporek, R., L., Ming Lui, W., Coleman, H., K., L. (2003). Handbook of Multicultural Competencies. Sage Publication.
- Keys, B., Henshall, J. (2004). Supervision: Consepts, Skills and Assessment 3 Rev ed.
- Carelli, A., B. (2004). The Thrust About Supervision: Coaching, Teamwork, Interviewing, Appraisals, 360 PO S Assessments, and Recognition. Charles C Thomas Publishing Ltd.
- Putnam, L., Jablin, F., M. (2001). New Handbook Of Organizational Communication: Advances in Theory, Research, and Methods. Sage Publications 2001.
- Schneider, B., Smith, D., B., Brief, A., B., Walsh, J., B. (2001). Personality and Organizations. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc. Publichers.
- Harrison, M. (2005). Diagnosing Organizations: Methods, Models, and Processes. 3 rd ed. Sage Publications.
- Holloway, E., Carroll, M.Training Counselling Supervisors. Strategies. Methods and Techniques.
- Driver, C., Martin, E. (2005). Supervision and analytical Attitude. Whurr Publisher
- Mahrer, A., R. (2005). Supervision of Psychoterapists: A Discovery- oriented Approach. Whurr Publisher.
- Starak, J. (2001). Clinical Supervision. A. Gestalt-Humanistic Framework. Gestalt Vol.5. No 1.
- Carroll, M., Tholstrup, M. (2001). Integrative Approaches to Supervision. Jessica Kingley Publisher.
- Appelqvist-Schmidlechner, H., K., Paunonen- Ilmonen, K., M. (2002). Expert supervisors’ views of clinical supervision: a study of factors promoting and inhibiting the achievements of multiprofessional team supervision. J Adv Nurs. May;38 (4):387-97.
- Kennergen, A., E., Severinson, E. Berthold, H. (2000). Ethical Dimensions of Supervision: the supervisors’ experiences. Nursing Ethics, Volume 7, Number 4, 1 July 2000, pp. 350-359(10).
- Houston, G. (1990). Supervision and Counselling.
- Derald, W., S. (2003). Counseling the Culturally Diverse: Theory and Practice. By John Wiley & Sons.